The IDEA Center aims to provide any undergraduate student with the opportunity to engage in research and creative expression in their field of study. More specifically, the IDEA center assists undergraduates in gaining awareness of research and ethical research practices, and supports them while they work with a faculty mentor to produce a research or creative expression project. The IDEA Center also offers undergraduates opportunities to publicly present their projects to the campus community.
The IDEA Center

What we do

Discovery Workshops
The Discovery Workshops make research more accessible to students. Students from all levels (including graduate) are welcome to participate.

Events and Opportunities
Explore upcoming events and opportunities for research and creative expression at Texas State.
How to get involved
Want to know how to begin? Learn about the IDEA process and what you need to do to get involved, and about the benefits of engaging in undergraduate research and creative expression.

We're in Alkek 133A
We offer online tutorials and workshops on the ethics and utility of research, research classes, an informational event and showcase on undergraduate research as well as training, outreach, and collaborations. Stop by and check us out!